Over the past few weeks, one resounding message has been ever present -T R U S T-.

Just being open and honest, I have faced a few challenges recently. Let's be real, it happens! As soon as I felt like I'd moved forward, it seemed as if I got knocked back two steps. As I read my devotional, in listening to my pastor, even scrolling through social media posts, the message of "trust" remained constant.
As we move into the month of August, remember the Word as presented and "lean not into your own understanding". {Proverbs 3:5} Though you may feel flustered, frazzled, overwhelmed or outnumbered, remember that you are human and those emotions are normal. However, continue to trust, believe and never doubt "because the one who doubts is like the wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind". {James 1:6}
Y'all know I need reminders; I'm a "visual"! Click here to download your free printable wall art if you need a visual reminder too. Remember to join the celebration for more freebies, tips & ideas!
